Monday, 6 June 2011

Ambitious First Project?

Well my sewing course went really well.  I've followed patterns before but many years ago and it was good to have someone on hand to just say .. yes your doing it right .. so it was a real confidence boost.

I'm so glad that I settled on a cheap fabric as I'm not sure that I would have had quite the confidence to set my scissors on more expensive fabric so a quick visit to my local Boyes gave me this fabric.

Not quite sure if I choose the right pattern for the weekend as it had so many pieces! By the end of Saturday I'd managed to cut out the 20 odd pieces of the pattern and just started to put the bodice together.  I'm now understanding just where those 5 metres of fabric I'd bought was needed! By the end of the day my finger tips were sore from all the pins and my hand was a little red from using my scissors so much.  But I did come away having felt like I was at least getting somewhere.

Unfortunately there was no rest for the wicked as when I got back to my friends house (who had generously allowed me to stay the weekend) I was told we we're all off out again in just half and hours time.

So after a very late night it was time to get up early again on the Sunday and I just got there as the clock hit 10 am.  I could tell I was tired today as there was need at times to unpick an re-attach pieces but the copious mugs of coffee provided by Dawn was much needed.  Before I knew what had hit me it was lunchtime and then just as equally quickly it was the end of the day.  Unfortunatly there wasn't quite enough time for me to finish my ambitious project and still have the arms to attach the buttons & button holes to do and the hem to take up but I'm well pleased with my first effort.  So how have I done so far? Sorry about the rubbish picture my other camera's battery was flat .. but I promise to get better pictures on when I've completely finished it.

I really do have to say a huge thank you to Dawn over at Dimples Workshops in Warrington who I have to say was fab and as an enthusiastic and positive teacher has really boosted my confidence and given me some invaluable tips.  I so want to go back and do her corsetry course when I have a free weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I admire your commitment and sticking with it! Is looking really great! I Can't wait to see it whenn is all finished!!
